Add Home Featured Banners

This theme comes with the ability to add "home featured banners". The home featured banners allow you to add up to 5 pre-positioned images to your homepage. You can then use these images for special promotions or to create a category card using your categories path.

Steps to create

1. Go to Storefront > Image Manager > Upload Images.


2. Upload an image (Note the file name; e.g: test.jpg).

3. Go to My Themes > Current Theme > Customize.


4. Choose Home Featured Banners > Set as Active.


5. Select the number of featured banner columns. The number selected will display in order. For instance, if "Three Columns" is selected, only the first 3 entries will be visible. 

*Image sizes and/or aspect ratios will need to be adjusted before uploading depending on number of columns displayed.

6. Featured Banner Image 1: Enter the name of the uploaded image. Example: test.jpg (DO NOT BEGIN WITH FORWARD SLASH)

7. Featured Banner Name 1: What ever you want.

8. Featured Banner 1 Link: Enter links to pages, websites or one of your category paths. If external link is selected, the link will open in a new tab.

  • Internal example: category-one/sub-category1 (use relative path, NO LEADING FORWARD SLASH)
  • External example: (use full path) 


9. Click Publish and View Store to check out your new banners!